The purpose of this fundraiser
Kayemba Enock teaches at Extreme High School and is now the Coordinator of the wider program. I have been corresponding with Kayemba since 6 January 2023. Before Covid 19 hit, UNSFP was growing well and had reasonably good financial support. Covid 19 decimated its funding base. The High School particularly is now surviving day to day and frequently has no money to buy food for its 402 students. The other schools have some fee paying families and some other funding sources so are not as vulnerable as the High School. Over the past nine months Kayemba and I have explored a number of possible ways to re-establish a solid funding base for the High School. However these all involved long term commitment from people overseas and that has not proven successful since Covid 19. Recently Kayemba suggested we raise funds to purchase four acres of land near the school on which they would grow beans and maize to feed the young people as well as teaching them farming skills. The cost of land per acre is somewhat variable depending how negotiation goes! Four acres will fall somewhere between 10,500,000 and 16,000,000 Ugandan Shillings which is roughly from $5000 to $7,500 in NZD. So the provisional goal is to raise $7,500 for Extreme High School to buy this land. Kayemba would purchase an acre at a time so that the goal can be revised as things progress. If there is a surplus it would be applied either to preparing the land for planting or for food for the students, which is always an ongoing challenge.